A conference geared toward women in agriculture will be held
in St. Cloud on February 6, 2024.
The Extension Women in Ag Conference will be from 8:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday,
February 6, 2024, at the St. Cloud Holiday Inn. The conference theme, “Planting Possibilities:
Shaping the Future of Farming,” will provide insightful discussions and dynamic presentations
specifically geared toward farmers on the pivotal role of “planning” – a cornerstone of any farm
This conference is for beginner, future, mid-career, or seasoned farmers, industry professionals,
and agricultural enthusiasts. “Planning is essential for farmers in order to maximize efficiencies
and realize dreams, “said Susanne Hinrichs, Extension agricultural business management
educator. “This conference will offer topics for anyone who currently produces or wants to raise
crops, livestock, or local foods producing food, fiber, and fuel.”
For more information and to register, follow this link: z.umn.edu/WomenInAg2024.
The conference is hosted by the U of M Women in Ag Network in partnership with the
Minnesota Farm Service Agency. The cost is kept low due to sponsors including Minnesota
Department of Agriculture, North Central Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education,
Minnesota Corn Growers, AgCountry Farm Credit Services, and Compeer Financial. Early bird
rates are available through January 22, 2024.